ALD offers a full service one-stop shopping experience for all your gardening and landscape needs. Our Nursery has the largest variety of quality "Ottawa Hardy" Nursery stock in Eastern Ontario guaranteed with warranty.
The Perennial assortment alone includes well over 1500 Varieties including specialty varieties, rare and unusual selections as well as varieties that are drought resistant and truly low-maintenance for shady areas and full sun areas alike for varying soil conditions. Our Gardening consultants have the expertise to advise on plant choices to enhance the beauty of your outdoor living experience while minimizing garden maintenance.
Our consultants are available at our office or at your home by appointment to give you the expert advice as you require. Whatever your budget, we can develop a plan to compliment your lifestyle needs. If you would like a planting sketch or just need advice , select our "Contact Us" form and let us know how we can be of assistance.
Contractors, please call Martin for an appointment 613-915-2079